VIVID ZERO created a main title, show package, and marketing materials for the ABC O&O documentary series.
OUR AMERICA: LIVING WHILE BLACK. ABC needed a theatrical, smart, sophisticated package that elevated their approach, brought viewers into storytelling on a deeper level, and helped position the OUR AMERICA franchise as a new voice in documentary journalism.
VIVID ZERO helped guide the run of show with suggestions on main title and graphic placement, as well as set up moments for the crew to capture video content to be used in the package. Collaborating closely with the show EP and the marketing leads, VIVID ZERO was able to create a brand image that served both sides.
The result: We have very happy clients who are about to launch an exciting new series. More to come on the bigger results.
VIVID ZERO created the main title, series package design and the marketing design materials for the ABC O&O’s News Series…
VIVID ZERO helped guide the run of show with suggestions on main title and graphic placement, as well as moments for the crew to capture video content to be used in graphic packaging. Collaborating closely with the show EP and marketing leads, VIVID ZERO was able to create a brand image that served both marketing and content, to ensure success for the journalistic series.